Monday, June 18, 2007

so this is a picture of the little girl we are fighting for....we went to court on thursday and the DNA test was ordered....It will take up to 3 weeks for the appointment and after that it should take about 3 weeks to get theresults. We have not heard yet as to when the appointment is. This is all driving me crazy. I am like 99% sure this is Chris's baby but there is also some tiny twing of doubt. So when it finally happens maybe then I can have peace in my heart. I can say that each day I go with out seeing her hurts. I have grown to love this little one.
Other than that....It is my birthday. Happy Birthday self! Glen is supposed to take me out for dinner tonight. Tina asked if I wanted to meet her for lunch today. Gonna do that. Glen bought me 2 new shirts and a pair of shorts.

Friday, June 01, 2007


So much has happened since march! Aileys mother died in an auto accident and chris is trying to get custody of her. Amy's ex has current custody. we have not seen her since the middle of April. No news yet as to what is happening courtwise.

David did not need surgury. He was fitted for a helmet (or should I say casted). He has been wearing it for about a week.

School is out...Yippee! that is such a relief for the summer.

Thats all i can manage for today.