Tuesday, December 26, 2006

post Christmas

What a wonderful christmas it has been! Visiting with friends and family, eating good foods, giving gifts, getting fun scrapbook stuff! now i just need to get very busy! Isn't it wonderful to be able to, at least once in a great while, have all of your children together at one time under the same roof? It is a rarity for me to say the least. All of the kids were here and all but one grandbaby. I missed seeing Winter yesterday. Her mother said she was bringing her over, but she never came. Guess I will have to go see her. I am so wishing that I could attach a picture but my computer has a small problem and will not let me into my camara software. Blake help!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

just me again

I am bad,bad,bad! I just can't get used to this thing....I just feel like i don't have anything important to say. Then when i finally think of something, i forget what it was befroe i start typing! LOL!
I am finally starting to feel better! After over 5 weeks of feeling totally crudy, I am just starting to feel human.....then they give me a new kid at school.....just in time to add a little stress in my life so i can get sick again! NOT.....i won't let myself get there again. Iam finally able to sing with the radio and actually have sound come out of my mouth....good thing since I am singing in church on sunday huh?
just me again

Saturday, November 25, 2006

just me again

It was a great Thanksgiving. We had most of the kids here in the evening.....all except Chris. Brad brought his girlfriend over for pie and we played mad gab with all the kids. Everyone seemed to like Daleynn. She is a cute girl and the two of them looked great together. Kenyon was a hoot. he kept giggling and laughing at jessica and whn jessica would laugh, he would get this silly grin and do it all over again. You would have t have been there to see it but everyone got a kick out of it!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

for those of you who have not seen this precious new addition to our family, here he is....David James Mathews....born September 27th. Isn't he jus a cutie?

Life seems like it has been a whirlwind. Why does it always seem that when you are working on a big project of event you say "when this is over I can relax." then when it is over there is something else that takes it's place so that you cannot relax? It's always something isn't it. I remember the good old dayd in our younger lives when we had more time to do nothing. Funny how things change when you get kids. And then you think when the kids are grown and gone, there will not be as much to do. Ha! jokes on you! Life does not slow down after the kids have left the nest. So get used to it friends. In this day and age life goes on full speed ahead. I keep thinking if only i could spend an entire day doing absolutely nothing I could get over my bronchitis. I am still waiting for that day! Posted by Picasa

Monday, September 04, 2006

hey there friends and family. I am going to try this blogging thing out and see how it works. I am quite new to this concept but i am going to give it a spin and see what comes of it.